Early Years Foundation Stage
At Foxyards our aim is for children to have a learning adventure in the Early Years Foundation Stage. We believe every child is unique, with questions and ideas about the world that we seek to develop and enrich within a structured and stimulating environment that nurtures, supports and challenges young children. Our curriculum is sequenced to help all children make connections with previous learning and embrace new learning with enthusiasm, giving children carefully planned enjoyable learning opportunities that help them remember and build on previous learning. Encompassed within our vision is the need for children to learn through a range of relevant and purposeful practical experiences, both indoors and outdoors, where communication and language is central. We work together with parents and carers to help children thrive through a curriculum that builds self-confident, independent, active learners who embrace the joy and wonder of learning.
At Foxyards, our approach to learning in the Early Years is delivered with our school values underpinning everything we do. We are caring, respectful, creative and resilient.
The Foundation Stage includes all children in our Nursery and Reception classes. The Early Years Foundation Stage is the statutory curriculum which is followed by all childcare providers, nursery settings and reception classes. This is the curriculum delivered in our school.
The curriculum is divided into core and specific key areas of learning and development. They are:
The prime areas of learning:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The specific areas of learning:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
The learning characteristics:
Playing and Exploring
Active Learning
Creating and Thinking Critically
Together, these areas of learning make up the skills, knowledge and experiences appropriate for your children as they grow, learn and develop. At Foxyards Academy we strive to ensure that each child’s learning and development occur as an outcome of their individual interests and abilities so our planned learning reflects this.
An EYFS learning journey will be completed for each child. Each child will be assessed in relation to the 17 Early Leaning Goal descriptors. Assessments will be based primarily on observation of daily activities and events. For each ELG, practitioners must judge whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the Reception Year (expected), exceeding this level (exceeding), or not yet reaching this level (emerging).
The completed EYFS Profile includes a short commentary on each child’s skills and abilities in relation to the three key characteristics of effective learning.
Foxyards EYFS Documents |
Foxyards EYFS Long Term Plan 2023-24 |
Nursery Termly Books & Overviews |
Nursery Term Books Autumn |
Nursery Term Books Spring |
Nursery Term Books Summer |
Nursery Overview - Autumn Topics |
Nursery Overview - Autumn Timetable |
Nursery Overview - Spring Topics |
Nursery Overview - Spring Timetable |
Nursery Overview - Summer Timetable |
Reception Termly Books & Overviews |
Reception Overview Autumn |
Reception Overview Spring |
Reception Term Books Autumn |
Reception Term Books Spring |
Reception Term Books Summer |
Welcome to Nursery Booklet |
EYFS Policy can be found on the Policies Page |